Special Issue in Honor of Dr Vera Savic Werona Król-Gierat, Isaak Papadopouloa Papadopoulos (Author) i-iii Paper
Delving into Emergent Literacy: Examining Narrative Skills of Monolingual and Bilingual Preschoolers in Greece Isaak Papadopoulos, Anna Hall, Maria Eleni Bourogianni (Author) 1-18 Paper
Literacy Skills Development in L1 within and outside an Other Language Enriched Environment: A Study in the Greek Early Childhood Education Pieter Schalk Jansen, Dr. Isaak Papadopoulos (Author) 19-50 Paper
Optimizing Strategy Training in Primary Education: Enhancing Learning Outcomes for Young Students Dominika Chrobak (Author) 51-61
Bilingualism, Cognitive Flexibility, and Educational Outcomes in Young Learners: Exploring the Benefits of Early Language Acquisition Amy Sepioł (Author) 62-75 Paper
Functions of Translanguaging in Primary School CLIL and EFL Settings Gema Gayete Domínguez (Author) 76-94 Paper
Exploring Language Preferences and Perceptions:A Comparative Study of English and Yorubaamong Adolescents in Oyo State, Nigeria JEKAYINFA Oyeyemi Jumoke, BELLO Yekeen, BADRU, Surajudeen Adewale Yekeen, ABURIME, Aminat Ozohu Yekeen (Author) 95-106 Paper
Training Pre-School and Early School Pedagogy Students to Teach English: A Study on Belief Modification Małgorzata Szulc-Kurpaska, Sabina A. Nowak, Werona Król-Gierat (Author) 144-160 Paper
Facilitating the Integration of Ukrainian Students into the Polish Education: the Impact of Educational Initiatives Adam Krzyk, Jacek Porzycki (Author) 161-171 Paper