Vol. 2 No. Special Issue (2025): Teaching Young Language Learners

Facilitating the Integration of Ukrainian Students into the Polish Education: the Impact of Educational Initiatives

Adam Krzyk
The Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Jacek Porzycki

Published 2025-01-28

How to Cite

Krzyk, A., & Porzycki, J. (2025). Facilitating the Integration of Ukrainian Students into the Polish Education: the Impact of Educational Initiatives. Journal of Language and Culture in Education, 2(Special Issue), 161-171. https://doi.org/10.5281/c3wj5366


The paper describes educational project aiming at helping Ukrainian students to integrate into Polish educational system at primary school level through activities where the Polish and English languages were languages of instructions. The paper underscores the critical role of educational initiatives in facilitating the integration of Ukrainian students into the Polish education system. The implementation of workshops provide a multifaceted approach to learning, emphasizing not only academic growth but also cultural exchange and social cohesion. Additionally, authors explores the dynamics of cooperation among teachers, parents, and pupils within this project, highlighting the benefits and challenges of a multicultural educational setting. 


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